Saturday, April 16, 2011

15 Apr 2011 - First Coat Painting

We top up a bit more to use Nippon Odour-less. 4 different colours for one side wall for each room and living area. The rest of the house is in orchid white 1139. Still waiting for the final revision of the 3D drawing before carpentry can start. Hopefully can get it by next week.

Living Area - Latte 1114

Bedroom 2 aka Study Room - Fresh Celery 1123

Bedroom 1 - Charming Lilac 1132

MBR - Powder Pink 1103

Some updates...

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...


Chanced upon your blog... Nice house u have. :)

May I check if you do install rain shower? If yes, does it work well with the gas water heater?

Is your water pressure weak after installing gas water heater?

